Starting up a database (Nomount) :-
* When starting the database, you select the states in which it starts.
- Usually start an instance without mounting a database only during database creation or the recreation of control-files.
sql>Startup nomount
*Starting an instance include following tasks,
- Reading the initializtion files
- Allocating the SGA
- Starting the background processes
- Opening the alertSID.log file and the trace files.
- The database must be named with the db_name parameter.
Starting up a database (Mount) :-
* The database must be mounted but not open during the following tasks,
- Renaming datafiles
- Enabling and disabling redo log archive options
- Performing full database recovery
- Locating and opening the control file specified initializtion parameters file.
- Reading the control files to obtain the name and status of the redo log files and datafiles.
Starting up a database (Open) :-
* An instance started and database mounted and then datbase opened. During database open ,the user can be attempt to open database and performing.
*During the database open following tasks,
- Datafiles and ONline redolog files are Available
Note :- When you open the database, a datafiles and online redo log file not avilable ,the oracle returns error. Mean time database needs recovery options.
*** If necessary,System Monitor background process (SMON) initiates instance recovery.
Startup Command :-
To startup an instance, use the following commands
- Startup [force] [restrict] [pfile=filename] [open [recover] [database] Mount Nomount ]
Note :- This is not the Complex syntax.
- Force ---> aborting the running instance before performing a startup
- Restrict ---> Enables only users with restricted session privilege to access the database
- Recover ---> can be media recovery when the database starts
**** Attempting to open Oracle utilities without start the service, Oracle returns a error Ora-12547 --TNS
The Alter Database Command :-
* Chang the states of the database from Nomount ot Mount stage,
sql> alter database db01 mount;
* Open the database read only mode
sql> alter database db01 open read only;
Alter database db01 open [read only read write]
- Read Write ---> Opens the database read write mode so users can generate redo logs.
- Read Only ----> Restrict users to read only transactions,preventing them from generating Redo log information.
Restrict Command :-
sql>startup restrict;
* Use the Alter system command in restriction mode,
sql> alter system enable restricted session;
**** When you perform struture maintanice or database export or import. The database can be restricted session so that it is available only to the restricted session privilige users.
Alter system [enable disable ] restricted session;
- Enable ---> who have restircted privilige users
- Disable ----> users who do not have the priviliges also log on.
Terminate Session :-
* After placing an instance in resticted mode, you may want to kill all current user sessions before performing administrative tasks.
- Alter system kill session 'integer1,integer 2'
- Integer 1 ----> Value of the column in the v$session view
- Integer 2 ----> value of the serail# in the v$session view
Efects of Terminating a Session :-
* Pmon perform following tasks,
- Roll back the users current transaction
- Release all currently held table or rows
- Free all resources currently reserved by the user
Opening database in Read Only Mode :-
- Executes query
- Execute disk sort using locally managed tablespace
- Take datafiles offline and Online ,.Not tablespace
- Perform recovery offlines of datafile and tablespace.
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