Shutdown Mode :-
- Shutdown immediate
- Shutdown Abort
- Shutdown Transactional
- Shutdown Normal
Sql> Shutdown [immediate Normal Abort Transactional ]
- Database buffer cache written to the data files.
- Uncommitted Changes Roll Back
- Resources released
Shutdown Normal :-
- No New Connections can be made.
- The oracle server waits for all users to disconnect before completing shutdown
- Database and redo buffers are written to disk
- Bg processes are terminated. and the sga is removed from the meory.
- Oracle closes and dismounts the database before shutting down the instance
- The next startup does not require an instance recovery.
Shutdown Transactional :-
* Transactional shutdown prevents client from losing work.
- No client can start a new transaction on this particular instance.
- A client is disconnected when the client ends the transaction
- When all transactions have finished ,a shutdown immediately occurs
- The next startup does not require an instance recovery.
Shutdown immediate:-
- Current sql statments being processed by oracle are not completed.
- Oracle server does not wait for users currently connected to the database to disconnect.
- Oracle rolls back active transactions.
- Oracle closes and dismounts the database before shutting the instance.
- The next startup does not require intance recovery.
Shutdown abort :-
- sql statments by the oracle server immediately terminated.
- oralce does not wait for users currently connected to the database to disconnect.
- database and redo buffers are not written to disk.
- Uncommited transactions are not rolled back.
- the instance is terminated without closing the files.
- database not closed or dismounted.
- Next startup needs instance recovery. which occurs automatically.
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