Mohamed Azar Shaj

Oracle DBA,, Riyadh Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

Oracle Certification ** Oracle-Base ** Export and Import ** Charater set migration

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Database Administrator and like to read about hackers and them activities...and completed Oracle 10g Certified associate. Active member of Oracle Forum

Ora-12514 TNS: listener does not currently know of service

4:11 PM / Posted by Azar Mohamed Shaj / comments (0)

Due to error occur on Oracle Listner not properly mentioned

So.., you should check lisntener.ora file and modify

Example :-

(ORACLE_HOME = E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1)
(PROGRAM = extproc)

(SID_NAME = localdb )
(ORACLE_HOME = E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1)
(SID_NAME = localdb) >

Note : < ... > here check your service name either there or not?localdb -------- db name
And then go to
lsnrctl >stop



>set oracle_sid=localdb
username : / as sysdba

& then you connect sys/sys@localdb as sysdba

Your service should be started
Thanks & Regards
S.Mohamed Azarudeen

Hit/Miss Ratios

3:49 PM / Posted by Azar Mohamed Shaj / comments (0)

Buffer Hit Ratio :-

Buffer hit ratio notes:

  • Consistent Gets - The number of blocks accesses made to the block buffer to retrive data in a consistent mode.
  • DB Blk gets - The number of blocks accessed via single block gets.
  • Physical Reads - The cumulative number of blocks read from disk.
  • Logical reads are the sum of consisent gets and db block gets.
  • the db block gets statstic value is incremented when a block is read for update and when segment header blocks are accessed.
  • Hit ratio should be > 80% , else increase db_block_buffers in init.ora

sql>select sum(decode(name, 'consistent gets',value,0)) "consistent gets",

sum(decode(name,'db block gets',value,0)) "db block gets",

sum(decode(name,'physical reads',value,0)) " physical reads",

round((sum(decode(name,'consistent gets',value,0)) +

sum(decode(name,'db block gets',value,0)) - sum(decode(name,'physical reads',value,0))) /

(sum(decode(name,'consistent gets',value,0)) +

sum(decode(name,'db block gets',value,0))) * 100,2) "Hit Ratio" from v$sysstat;

Data Dict Hit Ratio :-

  • Gets - Total number of requests for information on the data object.
  • Cache Misses -- Number of data requests resulting in cache misses.
  • Hit ratio should be > 90%,else increse Shared_pool_size in init.ora

Sql> Select sum(gets),sum(getmisses), round((1-(sum(getmisses)/sum(gets))) * 100,2) from v$rowcache;

Library Cache Miss Ratio :-

  • Executions - The number of times a pin was requested for objects of this namespace.
  • Cache misses - any pin of an object that is not the first pin performed since the object handle was created and which requires loading the object from disk.
  • Hit ratio should be <>

Sql> Select sum(pins) executions,sum(reloads) cache_misses,sum(reloads) / sum(pins) miss_ratio from v$librarycache;


3:18 PM / Posted by Azar Mohamed Shaj / comments (0)

Rollback Segments are renamed Undo logs.Traditionally transaction undo information stroed in rollback segments until a commit or rollback statment was issued.

Automatic undo management allows the dba to how long undo information should retained after commit.preventing 'snapshot-too old' error on long running queries.

This is done by undo_retention parameter.the default is 900 seconds(5minutes).you can set this parameter to gurantte that oracle keeps undo logs for extended period of time.

rather then having to define rollback segments,you can simply define an undo tablespace and oracle let take the rest and automatic tuning. Undo_management=AUTO
Calculate Undo_Retention:-
Actual undo size :-
sql> Select sum(a.bytes) "Undo_Size" from v$datafile a, v$tablespace b,dba_tablespaces c where c.contents='UNDO' and c.status='ONLINE' and and a.ts#=b.ts#;
Undo block per second :-
sql>select max(undoblks/((end_time-begin_time)*3600*24)) " Undo_block_per_second" from v$undostat;
sql>select to_number(value) from 'db_block_size' from v$parameter where name='db_block_size';

**** 04/04/2008 Oracle 10g OCA 1z0-042 question
Your database is configured for automatic undo management.Undo_retention is set to three hours.You want to fashback a table that was created last far back can the flash back query go?
a.3 hours
c.until last year
d.until last commit
e.until the point when the undo tablespace was refreshed.
f.until the database is shutdown and the memory erased.
Ans : A .3 Hours